Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Day Twenty-Five 022410

In the year of our Lord Two-Thousand Ten; I love the way that sounds, all fucking Star Trek and shit. Too bad we don't have flying saucers with laser torpedoes. I'd love to take one of those ships up and attack a few buildings with it. Maybe I'd blow the foundation out of the Hoover Dam and watch the lake get real full real fast. I've been writing about carnivals today--Tilt-a-Whirls and cotton candy. I love carnies, spaceships, and games that are rigged to make you lose. By the way, how are you enjoying your life?


  1. Beaten to a pulp! But keep getting back up for more. Go figure.

  2. I'm still tripping on the angel's thing you had on video, even bought a book to help me understand angels better. I believe they are there and there maybe be ways to channel them.
