Thursday, May 13, 2010

One-Hundred Four

"How's it feel to be used? Does the heel mark in your heart still hurt, or does that purple colorization go nicely with your unused wedding suit?"

"But I loved her."

"You're an idiot, an old man in her world--an animal without feelings. You never should have loved her. And, don't forget, your the asshole in her eyes that's done nothing but hurt her."

"What are you talking about? I've loved and supported her. Done my best to be there for her."

"So what? That was your job-- to take the pain from her old hurts--let her work it out on you, and then get out of the way so she could move on to a healthier relationship. You were never meant to be hers."

"Why didn't you warn me?"

"We did, but you loved her too much to let go."

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